11 October 2010

I miss you ♥

Seriously, I miss him a lot these days, I don't know why, it's not like i didn't see him or text him. It's just that I miss him even I just met him like about yesterday. Gosh, I think i really love him and seriously I don't want to let go of him. he's just so cuddly to me. I never loved someone like I loved him. I mean that the past ones, I just mostly ignored them. And i don't even care if we didn't contact for a week. But this guy? NO. seriously, even for a minute I can miss him already. It's just so weird for me to react like this. But still, I never get enough from him. I really want to know him after married, how will he act to me by then? but those are many years to go. It a long time to wait for. But what the heck, if we truely love someone deeply, even a decade or billions of years we will still wait for them. I really wished that we will be together until the end of our life. Oh God, please make my prayer a reality. please god. please Allah. I really do love him. InsyaAllah if Allah wills, we will be together forever and never be parted. I just hope so. But I know, we never knew who will we be marrying.

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