23 June 2013

Wake up call!

Assalamualaikum folks. This time I want you to open your heart, open your mind, open your eyes. Look all around you. I don't mean the people next to you, I meant the world that is progressing without you noticing what's happening out there. Wake up my dear beloved friends and family. Everybody to be exact. There's something fishy going on here. After doing some research, it's weird that every islam's country has torn apart. Their citizens and their government. All the citizens are not satisfied about the government due to it's corruption. I mean seriously that's it? Each one of these country seems to have the same agenda. I mean who's behind all of this? Yes, maybe it is true about the government being corrupted but I bet it's not all the ministers. It's a fact that there could be one of them that is corrupted. Well as the saying goes,"disebabkan niler setitik, rosak susu sebelanga". But couldn't you guys see that there's an agenda going on. Maybe it's the work of one of the oppose party. What are they really up to? That question keeps popping out in my mind recently. But when you think wisely you can see everything. Open your eyes, heart and mind wisely. Look carefully what's going on. One thing that I certainly have confident is taking down islam at all cost. It's not about politics, parties nor race. It's about religion. They don't hate if your arabian, malay or any other race. They just don't like islam that's all. I bet that you don't trust me eh? Why don't you be friend with a muallaf and ask them do their family agree with their decision and what had happened after they revert to islam? I said revert because everyone of us was born pure with no sins and that mean islam because islam is pure. That's where our family start to have responsibility and set us to be whether a Muslim, Buddhist or other. Us as muslim should not fight with one another, we should help each other and unite as one. But I don't see this unity in Malaysia especially after PRU13. All we do is argue and not being satisfied. Islam does not taught us this. We should be thankful that our country is peaceful. If you're thinking about others you might wanna remember what happened to Palestine, do these politician give any help to them? Do they fight for Palestine or remain silent instead? If that doesn't help you, read Al-Quran especially surah An-Nisa' verse 144 and surah Al-Maidah. Maybe you'll find you answers. I'm writing this doesn't mean I'm on the government side. I'm neutral with all these malaysian political parties. I'm just concern about islam. About our future. About this once a peaceful world. That's all. Thank you. Assalamualaikum.

12 June 2013

Bahaya Ultra Kiasu Kepada Negara

Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah – Pada 1 Jun minggu lalu saya dijemput berceramah (forum) oleh sebuah pertubuhan Islam di Singapura. Malangnya, setiba di sana saya ditahan dan disoal siasat selama 1 jam. Saya tidak tahu sebab musababnya. Tiga bulan lalu saya turut dijemput, tidak timbul masalah sebegini.

Sebelum itu, sudah lama juga (hampir 4 tahun) saya tidak ke Singapura kerana tidak dapat clearance daripada pihak berkuasa di sana. Saya sudah dapat agak sebabnya. Cuma, kali ini (2013) saya hairan kerana saya dijemput semula. Seperti biasa saya menerima jemputan tersebut.

Saya disoal siasat dengan pelbagai soalan bersifat amat peribadi. Semua perkara mengenai saya dan keluarga ditanya mahukan jawapan. Saya menjawab semua soalan dengan baik, sehinggalah percubaan untuk mengambil telefon bimbit saya. Ketika itu, saya mula berkeras, kerana ia terlalu peribadi dan saya tidak benarkan sama sekali.

Saya bertanya kenapa saya ditahan dan disoal siasat, mereka mengatakan ia prosedur biasa. Kenapa saya, bukan pelancong lain? Tiada jawapan.

Sejurus dilepaskan, saya bertanya kepada pihak penganjur. Mereka mengatakan ia ada kaitan dengan artikel yang saya tulis dalam akhbar-akhbar tempatan terutama menyentuh isu Melayu Islam di Malaysia, tidak ketinggalan di Singapura.

Jangkaan saya selama ini benar. Apa yang saya tulis kebelakangan ini, tidak disenangi oleh pihak berkuasa ultra kiasu di sana. Perangai ultra kiasu Malaysia sama sahaja dengan ultra kiasu Singapura.

Ingatan saya kepada kerajaan Malaysia, berhati-hatilah. Jangan gadaikan kepentingan negara seperti hartanah, rumah, air dan sebagainya atas nama persahabatan dan sangka baik. Belum tentu mereka menghargainya. Mereka mempunyai banyak duit dan boleh buat apa sahaja.

Sebahagian daripada hartanah di Johor dan Pulau Pinang sudah banyak dibeli dan menjadi hak milik kekal. Ini tidak termasuk di negeri lain (Malaysia). Apa pengajaran yang dapat dipetik daripada insiden ini? Bahaya ultra kiasu kepada negara.

Jika tidak dibendung, apakah nasib Melayu (Islam) di bumi Melayu. Justeru, saya mahukan umat Islam sedar, tidak kira apa jua partinya. Seagama tetap bersaudara, walaupun tidak sebangsa. Benar, kita perlu berbaik sangka. Tetapi apakah kita harus terus berdiam, jika musuh begitu nyata di depan mata dan sentiasa merancang untuk memusnahkan kita.

Bukanlah maksud saya kita turut bertindak memusnahkan mereka. Paling penting, kita perlu bertegas dengan mereka mulai sekarang. Jangan terlalu fikirkan soal pembangunan dan undi.

Menang sorak kampung tergadai. Kaduk naik junjung.

Bertindaklah mengikut perlembagaan. Jika mereka menyentuh isu-isu sensitif, seperti menghina Islam, raja dan Melayu (bangsa dan bahasa), yang terkandung dalam akta hasutan, jangan ragu-ragu dengan tindakan itu. Jika kita terus berlembut, kita akan terus menjadi mangsa. Jangan haraplah dengan berlembut, mereka akan mengundi kerajaan sedia ada.

Insiden yang saya alami cukup jelas. Ultra kiasu tidak mahu ada sesiapa yang menghalang mereka. Awal-awal lagi sudah dibanteras. Orang Melayu (Islam) yang belajar di sekolah kerajaan, tidak dibenarkan memakai tudung (menutup aurat). Umat Islam mesti akur dengan keputusan tersebut, suka atau tidak.

Jika berceramah, perkara yang tidak boleh disentuh adalah; polisi dan dasar kerajaan mereka tidak boleh dikritik, isu Israel tidak boleh disentuh, isu agama apatah lagi. Pendek kata, jika berceramah di Singapura, hanya boleh bercakap tajuk itu sahaja. Jangan unsur-unsur sindiran, hasutan dan sebagainya.

Berbeza sungguh demokrasi di negara kita dengan mereka. Kita terlalu memberi banyak kebebasan, sehingga ultra kiasu menjadi semakin berani. Sama ada isu tersebut sensitif atau tidak, semuanya dilanyak.

Kerajaan terus berdiam diri. Jika pihak berkuasa cuba bertindak, maka dituduh melanggar hak asasi manusia. Kita pun mengalah. Lihatlah bagaimana ultra kiasu membela wanita yang menghina Yang di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA).

Pada mereka, itu tidak salah, malah dibenarkan. Sedangkan ultra kiasu tahu itu salah. Mereka begitu berani.

Kenapa? Jawapannya, mudah, kerana adanya ultra kiasu menyebelahi mereka.

Kesimpulannya, janganlah kita asyik menuding jari kepada saudara seagama. Lihatlah sama musuh kita itu, kerana mereka lebih bahaya daripada saudara seagama.

20 May 2013

Cita cita cuti 4 bulan ni

Assalamualaikum! ^^ Wah, kali ni saya nak nyatakan hasrat saya untuk jadi seorang penulis buku. Haa. Okay tak? Tapi freelancer lah. Saja hilangkan bosan cuti kali ni. Tapi kan apa tajuk dan jalan cerita saya nak buat ya? Hmm. Doakan lah saya berjaya ya? ^^

Politik Malaysia

Assalamualaikum semua :) Wah, sudah lama saya tidak berblogging. Okay, hari ini benda yang saya teringin sangat nak beri pendapat ialah tentang politik di Malaysia ni. Bukan apa, saya tgk Malaysia punya politik makin hari makin dahsyat. Teruk jadinya. Lebih lebih lagi dengan apa yang sudah terjadi dekat PRU13 hari itu. ya Allah, yang satu ni cukup tak puas hati dengan kemenangan kerjaan sedia ada. Lepas itu mula lah, kerjaan main kotor lah apa lah. Jap jap jap. Saya bukanlah pihak kepada mana mana parti tapi kamu ada saksi dan bukti ke tentang benda itu semua? Tak elok tuduh melulu. Kita sebagai orang islam tak elok menyebarkan fitnah. Semua orang tahu kan yang fitnah lebih teruk dari membunuh? Minta banyakkan istighfar lah. Bukan apa, kita bukannya tahu Allah itu maha mengetahui. Nanti  dekat akhirat kita dapat lihat siapa yang benar. Okay? Lagipun tolong lah wahai ketua pembangkang satu ni. Jangan lah nak menghuru harakan Malaysia yang sedia kala aman ini. Kamu ada otak kan? Lagi pun apa salahnya kalau sabar dan tunggu sebentar untuk PRU ke-14 nanti. Ke kamu ada apa apa agenda terselindung haa? Haa, yang lagi satu kakak kakak yang pakai tudung labuh dan ada yang berpurdah tu. Tolong lah sangat sangat jangan lah libatkan diri dengan perkara perkara yang boleh mencalarkan imej seorang muslimah. Lebih baik awak duduk rumah kemas rumah. Nanti boleh lah tanya kepada sesiapa yang pergi. Okay? Itu sahaja lah saya nak cakapkan dekat sini. Assalamualaikum

11 May 2013


Protests rocked the streets of the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, April 28, as an estimated 25,000 people took to the streets in support of Bersih [1], an organization fighting to reform the nation’s electoral system.
The organization refers to itself as ‘The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections’, comprised of 84 Malaysian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that form a ‘coalition of like minded civil society organizations unaffiliated to any political party’ [2]. The recent rally follows two previous mass demonstrations in November 2007 and July 2011, as organizers renew their demands for the Malaysian Election Commission to resign before the 13th General Elections scheduled for June 2012 [3]. Although the coalition claims to be devoid of political affiliation, the movement is fully endorsed by Malaysia’s main opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan Rakyat political coalition he oversees.
Following documented cases of United States-based organizations funding pro-opposition civil society groups associated with civil unrest in Russia [4] and the Middle East [5], Chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan acknowledged that the Bersih coalition received financial support from the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Open Society Institute (OSI) [6]. An article published in the New York Times entitled “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings” reveals organizations such as the National Democratic Institute receive funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a recipient of funds directly from the US Congress [7]. The Bersih Coalition has also received support from the US-based Freedom House [8], an NGO that receives direct funding from the US State Department [9]. While concern over electoral corruption and the various legitimate grievances of Bersih supporters may be entirely justified, the coalition’s association with opposition Political parties and groups financed by the United States government suggests subversion.
Malaysia’s former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohammed has warned that the ruling Barisan Nasional party is targeted for regime change due to its stance on Israel and criticism of US policy, while condemning Anwar Ibrahim for his close ties to Paul Wolfowitz and other adherents of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) [10]. Furthermore, Mahathir has accused the United States of using currency manipulation and US-funded NGOs to orchestrate the kind of destabilization needed to install a compliant proxy government [11]. Dr. William Robinson explains the subversive methods of conducting regime change through “democracy promotion” in his book, ‘Promoting Polyarhcy,’ “In Latin America, in Eastern Europe with the Velvet Revolutions, in Africa, in the Middle East, really all over the world, the U.S. set up these different mechanisms now for penetrating these civil societies in the political systems of countries that are going to be intervened and to assure the outcome is going to be pleasing to Washington’s foreign policy objectives” [12].
Eva Golinger, a researcher who has been investigating the democracy promotion efforts of the United States offers, “Millions and millions of U.S. tax payer dollars go every year into funding for political organizations and campaigns in different countries in the world that promote US agenda. Most U.S. citizens are unaware of the fact that that is how their money is being spent, to meddle, and to influence and to interfere in other nation’s affairs” [13]. While the demands of the Bersih coalition appear to be coherent and apolitical, the convergence of its leadership with the opposition political establishment provides Anwar Ibrahim and Malaysia’s opposition front Pakatan Rakyat with the means to mobilize demonstrators under the benign common cause of “clean and fair elections.” The initial Bersih demonstration in 2007 has become widely credited for Pakatan Rakyat’s record gains in the 2008 Malaysian elections, where the opposition coalition usurped power in five states and won 82 parliamentary seats [14].
Anwar Ibrahim served as Deputy Prime Minster from 1993 to 1998 under the administration of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad; the pair disagreed on the utilization of recovery methods during the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis, leading to Ibrahim’s dismissal. While Mahathir introduced sovereign currency controls on the Malaysian ringgit to prevent currency speculation, Ibrahim denounced Mahathir’s economic policies and portrayed himself as a freedom fighter for the free market [15]. Following his stint as Deputy Prime Minister, Ibrahim served as Chairman of the Development Committee of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1998, while appearing on the payroll of Dick Cheney’s Foundation for the Future and George Soros’ International Crisis Group [16]. Furthermore, Anwar Ibrahim served as a panelist at the National Endowment for Democracy’s “Democracy Award” [17].
The Bersih coalition has rejected a raft of reforms announced by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, including the establishment of parliamentary select committee on electoral reforms and amendments to the Peaceful Assembly Act following widespread condemnation of Putrajaya’s crack down on July 2011’s Bersih 2.0 rally from the international press [18]. The heavy-handed conduct of Malaysian security officials has worked to further strength international condemnation of Malaysia’s nationalist regime, as well as alienating the well-intentioned participants of Bersih rallies. Unlike the Bersih rally in July 2011, the recent demonstrations provoked armed clashes between protestors and police with cases of violence on both sides. Although police barricaded the area surrounding Dataran Merdeka (Independence Square) where the rally was scheduled to take place, violence was not used until demonstrators attempted to cross police barricades into the Square.  
The security situation deteriorated as defiant protesters refused to disperse, prompting demonstrators to overturn a police vehicle [19]. Protesters and black-shirted police officials threw broken bottles, pieces of metal and concrete slabs towards each other, prompting police to fire tear gas and water cannons at demonstrators, causing hundreds to disperse into side streets [20]. While footage of the recent police crackdown circulates throughout international media, Malaysia’s ruling Barisan Nasional party is again the subject of international criticism. As public discontent grows with the administration of Prime Minister Najib Razak, the unpopularity of the Malaysian ruling party has set the stage for the victory of Anwar Ibrahim’s Pakatan Rakyat opposition coalition. As the United States shifts its military focus to the Pacific Region, Anwar Ibrahim’s adherence to western political institutions will likely warrant the continued nurturing of unrest in Malaysia until the opposition successively usurps power.

Towards a US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Malaysia?

In his widely read blog (13 February 2012), the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, criticizes the politics of regime change pursued by the United States of America.
He is concerned that Malaysia may also be a target for regime change. And the US candidate to head the new regime, which will be in full, complete support of US policies, he says, is none other than the Leader of the Opposition, Anwar Ibrahim. Why should the US government seek regime change in Malaysia when the present Prime Minister, Najib Razak, has sought to further strengthen ties with Washington? He has even employed a Washington based public relations firm, Apco, to boost Malaysia’s image in the US. Najib’s personal relations with US President, Barack Obama, are supposed to be “excellent.” And yet it is quite conceivable that the forces that shape Washington’s attitude towards Malaysian politics and political leaders may prefer Anwar to Najib for a number of reasons.
One, while Najib may have some rapport with formal leaders and the formal state, it is Anwar who has intimate links with the “deep state” in the US system. It is the deep state represented by powerful interests such as the Zionist lobbies, the Christian Right, the big wigs on Wall Street, the oil barons, the arms merchants and the media Moghuls which is in effective control. To appreciate the distinction between the two, one has to reflect on Obama’s Cairo speech on 4th June 2009 which stated explicitly that “The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements” but in reality the formal leader has had to yield to the Zionists and the Christian Right who are enthusiastic promoters of Zionist expansion at the expense of the Palestinians. Anwar’s entry into the deep state was through his close friendship with Paul Wolfowitz, the former US Deputy Secretary of Defence and one of the staunchest champions of Zionist power. It was mainly because of Wolfowitz that Anwar became the first Chairman of the Foundation for the Future in 2005, an organisation established ostensibly to promote democracy in West Asia and North Africa (WANA) whose real purpose is to perpetuate US-Israeli hegemony over the region. Even before this, in 1998, in the midst of the Asian financial crisis, Anwar was espousing an IMF type solution to the nation’s economic woes thus revealing his political orientation.
This is why during his first two trials for abuse of power and sodomy between 1998 and 2004 and during his recent trial for sodomy, the mainstream Western media went out of its way to demand that the Malaysian authorities acquit Anwar. Wolfowitz and former US Vice-President, Al Gore, even penned a joint opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal on 4th August 2010 urging the US government to persuade the Malaysian government to “ act with wisdom” in Anwar’s trial. A day before he was acquitted, on 8th January 2012, The Washington Post in an editorial warned that “ If the verdict fails that test (Malaysia’s commitment to democracy and the rule of law) there should be consequences for Mr. Najib’s relations with Washington.” This was an undisguised, unabashed attempt by one of the media pillars of the deep state to pressurize a sovereign nation to submit to its will. Two, if Anwar is the darling of the deep state in the US, it is partly because of his stand on Israel. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal on 26 January 2012, he reiterated his support for “all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel.” It should be emphasised here that support for Israeli security— contrary to what he is saying now– was not contingent on “Israel respecting the aspirations of the Palestinians.” In the interview Israel’s security stands by itself. It is diplomatic recognition of Israel that Anwar links to Palestinian aspirations.
Placing Israel’s security on a pedestal is the sort of gesture that the deep state and Zionists the world over laud, especially if the advocate is a Muslim leader. For Israel’s security has become the justification for all its policies of occupation, annexation and aggression in the last 63 years. Israel’s security is the albatross around the neck of the dispossessed Palestinians and other Arabs who have lost their land and dignity to the occupying power. It is obvious that by acknowledging the primacy of Israeli security, Anwar was sending a clear message to the deep state and to Tel Aviv and Washington— that he is someone that they could trust. In contrast, the Najib government, in spite of its attempts to get closer to Washington, remains critical of Israeli aggression and intransigence. Najib has described the Israeli government as a “serial killer” and a “gangster.” This has incensed the deep state. Anwar, on the other hand, told Zionist friends in Washington two years ago that he regretted using terms such as “Zionist aggression” ( Jackson Diehl “Flirting with zealotry in Malaysia” The Washington Post 28 June 2010).
Three, Anwar is the choice of the deep state for another reason which in its own reckoning is becoming almost as important as Israel. This is the rise of China and what it means for US global hegemony. Elements within the deep state appear to have convinced Obama that China is a threat to its neighbours and to the US’s dominant role in the Asia-Pacific. Establishing a military base in Darwin, resurrecting the US’s military alliance with the Philippines, coaxing Japan to play a more overt military role in the region, instigating Vietnam to confront China over the Spratly islands, and encouraging India to counterbalance Chinese power, are all part and parcel of the larger US agenda of encircling and containing China. In pursuing this agenda the US wants reliable allies— not just friends— in Asia. In this regard, Malaysia is important because of its position as a littoral state with sovereign rights over the Straits of Melaka which is one of China’s most critical supply routes that transports much of the oil and other materials vital for its economic development. Will the containment of China lead to a situation where the hegemon determined to perpetuate its dominant power seeks to exercise control over the Straits in order to curb China’s ascendancy? Would a trusted ally in Kuala Lumpur facilitate such control?
The current Malaysian leadership does not fit the bill. It has sustained and deepened the bond of friendship between Malaysia and China through increased bilateral trade and investments. China is Malaysia’s biggest trading partner globally and Malaysia is China’s biggest trading partner within ASEAN. China is most appreciative of the fact that Malaysia under the late Tun Razak was the first non-communist country in Southeast Asia to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1974. When his son Najib became Prime Minister in April 2009, China was the first country outside ASEAN that he visited. In a number of regional and international forums, Malaysia has maintained that China is not a threat to its neighbours and does not seek global dominance. These are views that do not accord with the deep state’s bellicose stance towards China. It explains why the deep state may be inclined towards regime change in Kuala Lumpur.
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) and Professor of Global Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Two Years of Western-Engineered Chaos in Arab World Justifies Malaysia’s Decision.

Clearly Senator Xenophon’s visit to Malaysia was not one of “monitoring,” but of checking up on a group of clearly compromised, openly foreign-funded, subversive elements operating behind the guise of disingenuous principles – making the Malaysian government’s claims that Xenophon constitutes a security risk absolutely justified. The last two years of Western “democracy promotion” in places like Egypt, Libya, and Syria, have left devastation, rising despots, and extremists in its wake and has justified similar moves made earlier this year by Russia who has begun purging itselfof the same meddlesome, disingenuous “NGOs” that are backing Bersih and Awar Ibrahim in Malaysia.
From the West’s “human rights” observers, to the United Nations itself, all have been demonstrably abused to pursue the agenda of Western corporate-financier interests, many times both causing and compounding the alleged abuses they set out to “stop” in the first place.
With articles like “The Redireciton” by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker, and the Wall Street Journal’s “To Check Syria, U.S. Explores Bond With Muslim Brothers” as far back as 2007 revealing that the West was  planning to put armed extremists in power across the Arab World, it is clear that the terrorism and despotism now unfolding across the Arab World is not an unintended consequence, but a long premeditated conspiracy unfolding as planned. Similar plans to use faux-democracy movements and even violence in Southeast Asia to serve as cover for Western instigated regime change has also been well documented in Malaysia as well as Myanmarand neighboring Thailand. Plans to use Southeast Asia against China have been documented as far back as the late 1990′s.
Image: Figure 1. From SSI’s 2006 “String of Pearls” report detailing a strategy of containment for China. While “democracy,” “freedom,” and “human rights” will mask the ascension of Western aligned client regimes into power, it is part of a region-wide campaign to overthrow nationalist elements and install client regimes in order to encircle and contain China. Violence in areas like Sittwe, Rakhine Myanmar, or Gwadar Baluchistan Pakistan, along with political protests in Thailand and Malaysia are not coincidences and documented evidence indicates immense Western backing for opposition groups in each country.
Russia has set the precedent, Malaysia is following suit and lending Russia’s decision much needed legitimacy in the face of a still Western-monopolized global media landscape. Other nations must follow, dropping the pretense that the West is somehow “exceptional,” and that there are somehow no conceivably, justifiable circumstances that could see an Australian senator detained and deported. Indeed, Xenophon has exceeded his mandate and responsibilities to represent the interests of the Australian people, breached Malaysia’s sovereignty, while misappropriating both Australia’s time and resources as he meddles in the sovereign affairs of a foreign nation.
The “democracy” and “human rights’ racket the West has used to cover up what is indeed neo-imperialism is crumbling, not least because of its stalwart, stubborn support for what are now clearly Al Qaeda terrorists mass murdering civilians in Libya and Syria. When these are “freedom fighters” promoting “democracy,” what does that make Bersih and Anwar Ibrahim when they are taking cash and support from the same interests that are propping up Al Qaeda abroad? What does that make Senator Nick Xenophon for using Australia’s reputation and resources to aid and abet such people?